ANR Founder announces plans to launch a low-cost CNN 24.
Hour news channel as he sees a major trend of mainstream media viewers deserting them over the falsified Coronavirus pandemic
Working on the set design for the launch of our ANR News Network .
The McIntyre Report will be the first show to launch ( pilot being shot next week ) with more political and business commentary and other shows to follow including health.
We are looking for good content creators and Presenters, many we can offer production and distribution channels.
We also appreciate your support for our not for profit news network
Even a $20 donation will make a massive difference to getting this network launched to eventually be a 24 hour news channel.
ANR is giving away 13 ebooks , for any one donating $20 or more plus the audio books for $50 donation or more. We are taking applicants for sponsors and advertisers as well and need the business community to get behind a network that will defend our democracy considering the rest of mainstream media is a sell out to Globalists/ Communist’s.
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