Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder Calls for an Urgent Vote of No Confidence in Governments and a Referendum Between the Great Totalitarian Reset Agenda Verse the Great Awakening or for the Nation To Split Into 2

ANR Founder Calls for an Urgent Vote of No Confidence in Governments and a Referendum Between the Great Totalitarian Reset Agenda Verse the Great Awakening or for the Nation To Split Into 2

Facebook Post By Jamie McIntyre

A significant portion of citizens of Australia, call for “A vote of no confidence in our current political system and State and Federal Governments”.

The outdated political system has failed our so-called democracies, as have our Governments.

We want new elections with a new political system.

One where all existing political parties and politicians that have supported the deadly and insane Global medical Experiment and the over-hyped Covid are banned and placed under investigation.

Otherwise, we call for a breakaway nation.

One that will not tolerate the Globalists interference, a rushed to market, unnecessary, ineffective, dangerous, and deadly experimental drug disguised as a vaccine forced upon the vulnerable, innocent, elderly, and children.

A new nation of honour, strength and shared and fair values of human rights and civil liberties, and a commitment to its people.
One where the people rule, not the sell-out politicians.

Let our country vote via a referendum.

Those who want the Great Totalitarian Reset pushed by the Globalists using Covid as a Trojan horse to usher it in.

Or those who wish to vote for the Great Awakening.

A new and better world.

De centralised, no longer Globalised.

A new holistic Heath system, a new modern-day education system, and a political system.

Our own monetary system includes the removal of excessive taxes created by the Central Banks.

A society where 3 days a week work is enough to raise a family.

A society based on family values, which both our children and elderly are protected.

A society with full employment and encouragement to be smartened up, not dumbed down, encouraged to be healthy, not reliant on a western sickness system.

And end to the Globalist reign and banning all mainstream media companies that have supported the Covid fraud and the Global Medical Experiment.

Whereby the Globalist and Covid fraudsters are banned and held accountable for the death and injury and financial costs of their attempted coup and eliminated from our society.

It’s time to let people decide.

The Great Reset or the Great Awakening.

Or a section of our nation for each

Australian National Review


Here’s what others had to say:

Jennifer Castledine
I have no confidence in the current government. The time they all dissolved.

Karyn Young

Original Source: https://www.facebook.com/100001092086344/posts/4352851861427840/