Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder Challenges Rupert Murdoch to $5 Million That His Papers Are Covering Up Vaxx Deaths and Injuries

ANR Founder Challenges Rupert Murdoch to $5 Million That His Papers Are Covering Up Vaxx Deaths and Injuries.

Facebook Post By Jamie McIntyre

Newscorp doing its best at covering up the Bs19 jab death and injury.

Do you know Newscorp gets paid hundreds of millions per year and part of that contract is to cover up death and injuries from jabs (even before Bs 19 )

Dodgy Journo Jane Hansen is just one of their despicable soul less heartless presstitutes who take money for this evil act.

Rupert hold your head in shame

Here is a $ 5 million challenge that your Newspapers engage in deliberate cover up of vaxx death and injuries and push paid for bs 19 propaganda, yet never disclose this to your dumbed down readers. ( pocket change for you)

Your mother would disown you , if she knew , as does Australia disown you.
Be a man Murdoch and take up my challenge.
Why leave such a horrible legacy behind.

I and half Australia, has had a gut full of you dodgy sell out Globalists

Who cares about the bottom line- this is people’s lives – their futures

Come on f…

Or what
Do a hit job on me on the papers like dodgy rivals Fairfax – I mean who gives an f… what’s in your dodgy papers.

Only the dumbest of the dumb in society read them

Or be a man to man, and let’s have a debate on the idiocy of pushing such a deadly, rushed to market, unproven, unnecessary, ineffective, untested insane, fraudulent experimental drug disguised as a vaccine.

Other than Clive Palmer, I haven’t seen any Australians with balls to take a stand for everyday Australians.

Or does your daughter-in-law run the vaccine show and you and Lachlan do as your told?

Twiggy Forrester is a sell-out

Gina Reinhardt

Which side of the fence are you on
A Globalist sell out, or for the good people of this nation

I believe you have a good heart

Stand up for Australians in this desperate time, before our dumb hapless politicians murder millions of innocent Australians including children by pushing a deadly, unnecessary medical Experiment.

It’s not that hard to be a good human

Step up

Be a leader

Be a good person
Not a gutless sell-out
Australian National Review

For news that won’t sell Australians out for back-end deals from drug companies happy to kill innocent people so their executives get a second home in Aspen or Switzerland or perhaps Davos F…

Bring it on dodgy gutless sell out Globalists


Here’s what others had to say:

Tony Willows
Thanks, Jamie top man.

David Dyer
Hi, Jamie I know I’m not nuts but there watching from the sky at night bright lights have been there for few weeks now my wife pointed them out to me tonight in the same place every night your thoughts?

Chris Norman
I’ve read the individual vaers reports, so many dropped dead exercising…