ANR Founder Launches $250,000 Legal Slush Fund To Go After Every Australian School Principal and School Investigators That Allow Vaxxinations at Their Schools or Threaten To Sack Any Teacher if They Refuse the Experimental Drug
By Staff Reporter
ANR Founder launches $250,000 legal slush fund to go after every Australian School Principal and School Investigators that allow vaccinations at their schools or threaten to sack any teacher if they refuse the experimental drug with the side effect of death.
ANR Founder is outraged after the below teacher has been threatened for misconduct for not being bullied into a jab and now intends to ensure every School Principal is put on notice that they will be pursued legally for compensation for any adverse reaction any child suffers and including crimes against humanity if they allow vaccinations at their school.
He said it’s sickening School Principals think they can threaten teachers with the sack and force vaccinate children without parental consent.
Let me make it clear he said
We will pursue every School Principal legally and their education department investigators and ideally bankrupt them with legal fees to stop them injuring or killing innocent children
They are ignorant fools who don’t know they are legally liable for any child that suffers an adverse reaction or even death.
Students will suffer heart attacks from their actions, and we will see to it they are bankrupted in legal fees and ideally sent to prison.