Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder Gets Banned From Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok for Exposing the C0VID Fraud, and Simply Launches With Global Independent Media Backing, a New Social Media Platform – Truthbook.social

ANR Founder Gets Banned From Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok for Exposing the C0VID Fraud, and Simply Launches With Global Independent Media Backing, a New Social Media Platform – Truthbook.social

By Staff Reporter

ANR Founder gets banned from Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok for exposing the Covid fraud, and simply launches with Global Independent Media backing, a new social media platform – Truthbook.social according to a company spokesperson.

ANR Founder, Jamie McIntyre, who has been outspoken about the “falsified pandemic conspiracy of Covid 19 pushed by mainstream media as they receive collectively billions to do so, has been banned for what is effectively not going along with the “official narrative”.

It’s effectively the “Novak Djokovic” reasoning to boot him from the country – he may encourage others to oppose the Government’s vaccine mandate agenda.

You either succumb to speaking the “lie of Covid” or you are booted

Below is a message circulating on Telegram for those followers wanting to reconnect with the ANR Founder:

Those asking how to find Jamie McIntyre, after Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok deleted his accounts. He has founded www.truthbook.social, a new social media platform that’s taken off rapidly, that, unlike Facebook, you can share the truth and not be banned or censored. Many of the independent media and resistance community is moving across to it, especially as Telegram is under threat and if we lose Telegram, then we all need a backup platform to stay in touch on. It’s easy to use, and similar to Facebook features, with Telegram style chats being added, along with zoom, youtube features etc. Check it out www.truthbook.social.

It is being funded by Global Independent Media, including the Australian National Review – www.anrnews.com and has launched its own cryptocurrency, www.truthcoin.social, which allows users to share in its success, by earning free currency that can already be spent at 38,000 merchants.

Join www.truthbook.social now and let the freedom community know, it takes literally 30 seconds to register and post – and meet the growing community already there.

The Google App is out and Apple app coming – or just edit the home screen and add it to your devices.

The new platform has seen explosive user growth in its initial soft launch with 10,000 users signing up within weeks.