Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder, Jamie McIntyre Shares How We Need To Change Our Ludicrous Foreign Policy That Leaves Us Unprotected and Vulnerable and Reliant on Yet Another Failing Empire

ANR Founder, Jamie McIntyre Shares How We Need To Change Our Ludicrous Foreign Policy That Leaves Us Unprotected and Vulnerable and Reliant on Yet Another Failing Empire

Truthbook Post By Jamie McIntyre


ANR Founder, Jamie McIntyre shares how we need to change our ludicrous Foreign Policy that leaves us unprotected and vulnerable and reliant on yet another failing empire (like we were in WW2 when Singapore fell within 48 hrs by an army on push bikes and Australia couldn’t defend itself ) and our current military is a joke in its inability to defend against any threat. Also, the Cold War ended a long time ago so why are we anti-Russia and Putin and why are we pissing off our largest trading partner in China by not minding our own business
