Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder Discusses Dangerous Western Propaganda, Governments, and MSM, Lying to Us Again About Russia, and Also China. He Suggests We Need a Government That’s Anti Globalists, in Australia

ANR Founder Discusses Dangerous Western Propaganda, Governments, and MSM, Lying to Us Again About Russia, and Also China. He Suggests We Need a Government That’s Anti Globalists, in Australia

Truthbook Post By Jamie McIntyre


ANR Founder discusses dangerous Western propaganda, Governments, and MSM, lying to us again about Russia, and also China. He suggests we need a government that’s anti-globalists, in Australia, and one that’s willing to build better relations with Russia and China for our own good. He says, Why to create unnecessary enemies, and we should double our defence, to defend against Globalist attacks, and defeat a large continent – Russia has a similar size economy, yet is a military superpower verse Australia a lame duck lap dog minnow yapping at China just asking for obliteration from naive and idiotic sold-out politicians. And Klaus Schwab head of WEF and the Globalists coup with their dangerous ideology. www.anrnews.com