Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder Calls Out Australian PM for Being Reckless With Our Foreign Policy Pushing Any Russian Propaganda and Then Mouthing of to China Instead of Keeping a Diplomatic Respectful Relationship With Our Largest Trading Partner

ANR Founder Calls Out Australian PM for Being Reckless With Our Foreign Policy Pushing Any Russian Propaganda and Then Mouthing of to China Instead of Keeping a Diplomatic Respectful Relationship With Our Largest Trading Partner

Truthbook Post By Jamie McIntyre


ANR Founder calls out Australian PM for being reckless with our Foreign Policy pushing any Russian Propaganda and then mouthing off to China instead of keeping a diplomatic respectful relationship with our largest trading partner. Our Foreign Policy needs to dump the Globalists and realise the Cold War ended some time ago. Perhaps we should ask Putin to liberate Australia as he is of removing them from Russian borders. www.anrnews.com

Here’s what others had to say:

Belinda Brook

Belinda Brook
Any truth in this?

Janma Happy
The ‘Americanisation’ of this country has been going on for decades (since at least 1966 IMO, else why change to $ & c’s?). I hope after all this b/s we can become the country we should be and should have been.