ANR Founder Poses the Question – Is Our Weather Being Manipulated, Considering They Have the Technology, and the Globalists Certainly Have Shown To Have the Motive, – As Rain Bombs Now Hit Sydney
Truthbook Post By Jamie McIntyre
ANR Founder poses the Question – is our weather being manipulated, considering they have the technology, and the Globalists certainly have shown to have the motive, – as rain bombs now hit Sydney, – will they help Sydney Siders in need, or wait a week for them to die or starve on roofs, while the ADF does photo shoots, pretending to help, and the SES remains busy rejecting non vaccinated helpers – did Northern NSW get no help from the Govt because many refused the deadly vaccines, or did the Govt not care for either the vaccinated or unvaccinated – and if Russia could send a list of Russian companies, many are happy to support them from Australia, as only the uneducated about the Ukrainian issue, support the “ Neo Nazi Ukrainian Thug Regime “
Here’s what others had to say:
Jacqueline Jeffrey
I believe the weather is being manipulated 100 percent !
Has been for a very long time. Bushfires were DEW. This is war.
Phil Morton
The weather can be modified. There is “The Rain-Making Control Act 1967” in Victorian legislation. Look it up on Google. Notable information in that act: “An act to regulate certain Rain-making and other Cloud-modification processes.” And,”rain-making operation means the seeding or nucleating of clouds by artificial means from a manned aircraft.”
Where are the police to help? it’s like they have all been told no dont help.