Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder Says He Agrees Australia Should Treat China as a Partner and not be Manipulated by a 3rd Party to Treat it as an Enemy. Anyone Pushing for War Not Peace is the Enemy

ANR Founder Says He Agrees Australia Should Treat China as a Partner and not be Manipulated by a 3rd Party to Treat it as an Enemy. Anyone Pushing for War Not Peace is the Enemy

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi has issued Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong with a four-point list of actions Australia must take to get the relationship “back on the right track”.

China issues demands to get relationship with Australia ‘back on track’

China issues demands to get relationship with Australia ‘back on track’

Mr Yi told Ms Wong Australia must treat China as a partner rather than a rival and seek common ground while shelving differences.

He added Australia must reject manipulation by a third party – and both countries need to build “public support featuring positiveness and pragmatism”.