Jamie McIntyre

Global Issues|los-angeles-global-issue

ANR Founder Says Australia Now Has Its Own “ Biden” as a Leader, and the Woke Nutters Are in the House

ANR Founder Says Australia Now Has Its Own “ Biden” as a Leader, and the Woke Nutters Are in the House

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says Australia now has its own “Biden” as a leader, and the woke nutters are in the house.
But we should enjoy the show as their flaws and Bs can’t be hidden for much longer as the truth can’t be contained forever.
And ensure we focus always on what we control and let go of that which we don’t.
He says now is not the time for America to have a gun debate – the deep state is desperate to disarm Americans, but now is not the time to give up guns. Now is a time for them to get more to defend themselves against the real enemy – Domestic terrorists being the Biden Regime-they want to target anyone who disagrees with the false Government narrative – criticise Biden or watch Tucker Carlson – you’re a domestic terrorist that should be locked up like Tucker or worse. Australia is a soft target, as we were disarmed in what clearly now was a deep state operation. If the mainstream media call Port Arthur just a conspiracy theory, then we know what that means.