ANR Founder and Truthbook Co-Founder, Freedom Activist, and One of the First Authors on the Planet, To Predict the Rise of Bitcoin Slams Australian Bitedge Blogger
By CNBS News
ANR Founder and Truthbook Co-Founder, freedom activist, and one of the first authors on the planet, to predict the rise of Bitcoin slams Australian Bitedge Blogger.
We asked ANR Founder, Jamie McIntyre, what he thought of the negative attacks by the anonymous troll who runs Bitedge, a crypto blog out of Melbourne.
He said –
I generally wouldn’t waste my time responding to anonymous online bloggers who make false allegations to gain traffic to their flailing blogs.
But him being anonymous, pretty much says it all.
An honourable person will put their name to what they say, and stand behind what they say.
He hides his identity and feels empowered by being a keyboard warrior.
We all know about keyboard warriors and how most haven’t left their mummy’s basement or are yet to stop hiding behind mummy’s skirt.
These scam blog sites are set up to post negative content about others with a profile, in order to garner much needed traffic, and to try and gain money by those they attack, to pay to remove it.
They hide anonymously as they know they are breaking defamation laws as well, plus lack courage.
I won a landmark case against Google many years ago, as my lawyers sued Google for publishing false negative content like this blogger is.
Re his claims
He seems to be jealous that I made millions from
Bitcoin, & crypto & he simply writes about it. I was one of the first authors on the planet to write a book on the rise of Bitcoin, I held the first Australian Bitcoin Conference, founded Australia’s first Bitcoin ATM, which I sold out of, and have helped my investor clients make between $3-4 billion collective, & growing, mostly from property, but also business & crypto.
I publicly stated that Bitcoin when it hit $120 is worth buying, & that it would go to $10,000 Aud, & then most likely $100,000 Aud. (It reached almost $100,000 Aud last year)
In my book I wrote about, Investment lessons I learnt from Warren Buffet, I remember his business partner Charlie Munger, said “jealousy isn’t the worst human trait, but envy is.”
In Australia, it’s so true.
There is so much envy & hatred towards those that are successful & help others.
The Globalists, who operate the real scam ie “fiat currency and the Federal Reserve banking scam,are also behind the Covid scam, climate change scams & own most of mainstream media & control our Western Governments.
So the poor average Aussie is scammed by the system, but the scammer’s use dodgy Government departments like the ATO, ASIC and Dept of Fair trading etc. to target those who pose a threat to exposing the dodgy central banking scam.
They call any threat, a scammer to keep the masses confused and to never figure out who the real scammers are.
He makes allegations about ASIC.
Yes, ASIC owes me $50 million for losses they deliberately caused myself, & $5.8 million to my option holders, & stole 6 of my profitable land projects 8 years ago. Since when land banking illegal?
How much have those projects grown since?
Hundreds of millions worth of land projects, they took to cause losses & their buddies made a fortune on them. They then blame me for losing investors’ money.
It’s a total joke.
As for his claims the cryptos I advise or own stakes in are scams.
Some cryptos are scams.
Some are legitimate.
Some fail.
That’s business & don’t invest if you’re a cry baby.
But any I’ve been involved in, not one has failed yet. Bitcoin has been the biggest success story on the planet.
Bitxcoin merged & became a part of Bitcoin 2.0,which just got bought out for $20 million in crypto, by the much larger Truthcoin, valued at $80 million.
Most of the holders got the crypto for free, for donating to not for profit causes like Independent Media,& the Global Health Organisation (a competitor to expose the corrupted WHO), are sitting on large paper profits, even in a crypto downturn & many cashed out, with hundreds of thousands cashed out via legitimate exchanges.
People have to let go of believing anything from Government bodies or mainstream media.
They are the enemy.
They lie daily and attack those working for the people to expose the corrupt politicians and mainstream media journalists and dodgy ASIC officers who can’t lie straight in bed.
Unlike some, I put my name behind what I say, I dare anyone to say publicly to my face any false allegation I lost investors’ money as I would simply challenge them to put up or shut up.
Talk is cheap and online trolls talk about others is about all they will ever accomplish.
If you don’t have trolls and haters yet, I suggest you need to do more good in this world.