Jamie McIntyre

Global Issues

ANR Founder Highlights That Soros Is the Reason the US Is No Longer a Democracy and the West Is Falling Into a Repressive Puppet Regime

ANR Founder Highlights That Soros Is the Reason the US Is No Longer a Democracy and the West Is Falling Into a Repressive Puppet Regime

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

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ANR Founder highlights that Soros is the reason the US is no longer a democracy and the West is falling into a repressive puppet regime.
Soros reveals a plan to save US democracy.
The billionaire wants a Democrat landslide to defeat the “far-right extremist” Supreme Court and Trump.

Hungarian-born US investor and philanthropist George Soros addresses the assembly on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, May 24, 20

The US Supreme Court and Donald Trump’s Republican Party represent a greater threat to the US than Russia and China and must be defeated by any means necessary, Democrat mega-donor George Soros said in an op-ed published on the Fourth of July.
Soros, 91, has previously called for regime change (https://www.rt.com/news/547892-soros-regime-change-china/) in China and a quick victory over Russia.
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Global Issues

ANR Founder Discusses Elon Musk Comment That Trump Is too Old to Run as President Again, And Musk Said He Supports De Santis, the Florida Governor as the Next President

ANR Founder Discusses Elon Musk Comment That Trump Is too Old to Run as President Again, And Musk Said He Supports De Santis, the Florida Governor as the Next President

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder discuss’s Elon Musk comment that Trump is too old to run as President again, and Musk said he supports De Santis, the Florida Governor as the next President.
This is after Trump had said re the Twitter deal fell over and that Elon is “another bullshit artist“.


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Global Issues

ANR Founder Puts The Australian Prime Minister On Notice That He Will Be Held Accountable For Every Australian That Dies, From The Day He Has Taken Office. Unless He Immediately Orders A National Risk Assessment of The Cov-19 Vaxxine Roll Outs And Puts A Stop To Them

ANR Founder Puts The Australian Prime Minister On Notice That He Will Be Held Accountable For Every Australian That Dies, From The Day He Has Taken Office. Unless He Immediately Orders A National Risk Assessment of The Cov-19 Vaxxine Roll Outs And Puts A Stop To Them

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder puts the Australian Prime Minister on notice that he will be held accountable for every Australian that dies, from the day he has taken office. Unless he immediately orders a National Risk Assessment of the COVID-19 vaccine roll-outs and puts a stop to them.

The corrupted TGA, funded by Pfizer and co, just approved with zero safety studies, for Pfizer to now legally murder 6 months, to 5-year-old Australian babies, under the authority of our Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

What fate and destiny do child killers and murderers deserve ?
And how much longer, should innocent Australians and Global citizens, patiently wait to see if justice will be done. Before they, perhaps, decide on other courses of action to seek justice.

Stand against baby killers and Covid fraudsters.

Global Issues

ANR Founder Let’s Rip Over the Rigged Two Party Preferred System in Australia and Highlights Unless Independent Media Is Properly Funded There Will Never Be a Political Revolution

ANR Founder Let’s Rip Over the Rigged Two Party Preferred System in Australia and Highlights Unless Independent Media Is Properly Funded There Will Never Be a Political Revolution

By Staff Reporter

⁣ANR Founder Let’s RIP Over The Rigged Two Party Preferred System In Australia And Highlights Unless Independent Media Is Properly Funded There Will Never Be A Political Revolution

Clive Palmer Filled The Coffers Of The Enemy In $100 Million To Mainstream Media And Zero To Independent Media

Those Who Follow Independent Media
– How Many Vote For Liberal, Labor Or Greens In Our Anr Polls 0%

The Majors Get Their Votes From Those Who Watch The Idiot Box. The Idiot Box Creates Idiot Voters.

Get People To Stop Watching The Idiot Box And You’ll See A Political Revolution.

Regardless Most “ Woke “ Will Soon Be Broke And Are Boosted So The Left Will Run Out Of Voters Within 3 -6 Years Anyhow.

Change Is Coming Regardless As Anr Founder Highlights Some Key Predictions


Global Issues

ANR Founder Gives an Election Overview of Latest Polling, and What’s Likely To Happen

ANR Founder Gives an Election Overview of Latest Polling, and What’s Likely To Happen

By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder gives an election overview of latest polling, and what’s likely to happen, as he assess’s the poll results, to what the actual results are more likely to be,including both major parties to achieve way less votes then polls suggest. The combined freedom parties votes may be as high as Labor or the Coalition votes at around 30% ,who he believes they will struggle to surpass 30% of the primary vote. They are polling at 35-36% and freedom parties combined votes at 17%


Join ANR tonight for its Live Election Coverage at www.anrnews.com or on Truthbook.social

Global Issues

ANR Founder Says Food Shortages Are Going To Affect Everyone – Some More the Others but Everyone via Massive Inflation and Price Hikes

ANR Founder Says Food Shortages Are Going To Affect Everyone – Some More the Others but Everyone via Massive Inflation and Price Hikes

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says
“Food shortages are going to affect everyone – some more the others but everyone via massive inflation and price hikes
– Governments will fall- which is the Globalists plan to usher in the One World Regime – breakway Republics with States becoming their own country to help decentralise the world and food production and health etc, maybe the answer. Either way, prepare to secure your own food supplies as this is no longer just a theory. It’s started and deliberately by we know who.



Global Issues

ANR Founder Correctly Highlights, That One Australian Is Dying From the BS 19 Lethal Injections Every 15 Mins, and Soon It Will Be Every 5 Mins, Based on January’s Excess Mortality Increase of 22.1%, Being 2865 Extra Deaths Than Normal

ANR Founder Correctly Highlights, That One Australian Is Dying From the BS 19 Lethal Injections Every 15 Mins, and Soon It Will Be Every 5 Mins, Based on January’s Excess Mortality Increase of 22.1%, Being 2865 Extra Deaths Than Normal

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder correctly highlights, that one Australian is dying from the Bs 19 lethal injections every 15 mins, and soon it will be every 5 mins, based on January’s excess mortality increase of 22.1%, being 2865 extra deaths than normal. This can only be attributed to the common denominator, being the quackzinne.
It can’t be from Bs19, as we were told the jabs were “safe, effective and necessary“.

He highlights also that the $53 billion in aid to Ukraine from the US, is a money laundering scheme going to NGO’s, who are run by Us Democrat Politician’s family, and friends.

“Sack the Majors this weekend”, he says as Labor and Liberal are panicking so much, they are starting to preference each other in some seats, to stop the rise of the freedom parties.


Global Issues

McIntyre Report Political Talk Show -125, ANR Founder Is Interviewed By Lisa Johnstone Re The Upcoming Federal Election, And Can The Freedom Movement Win. He Discusses That Australia May Need To Form A Break Away Republic, To Defeat The Globalists Attempted Coup And Winning The Federal Election Isn’t The Real Key, But Taking The States Is, And How We Can. Part 3

McIntyre Report Political Talk Show 
Episode 125
ANR Founder Is Interviewed By Lisa Johnstone Re The Upcoming Federal Election, And Can The Freedom Movement Win. He Discusses That Australia May Need To Form A Break Away Republic, To Defeat The Globalists Attempted Coup And Winning The Federal Election Isn’t The Real Key, But Taking The States Is, And How We Can. Part 3

Global Issues

ANR Founder Says the Minor Parties Need To Take at Least 6–8 Seats off Labor To Stop Them Forming Government

ANR Founder Says the Minor Parties Need To Take at Least 6–8 Seats off Labor To Stop Them Forming Government

By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says The Minor Parties need to take at least 6-8 seats off Labor to stop them forming Government, or Liberals lose less then 11 seats they are polling to lose to avoid either major party winning the 76 seats out of 151 required to form Government in their one right. This would then require either Major Party to form a coalition with the minor parties, to form government. Also left wing media supports Labor, and the Right wing media supports Liberals. Independent Media supports the minor parties.

Billionaire, Clive Palmer, has made the mistake of spending almost all of $100 mil on left & right media and 0% on Independent Media. As a result, the Minor parties struggle in what just 10% of his $100mil budget could have made a big difference. Palmers $100 mil spent with MSM, is a cruel blow to independent media, minor parties and the freedom movement. Palmer has a lot to answer for; Where are Australia’s patriotic Billionaires?
Are they now all Globalist sellouts?


Global Issues

ANR Founder Says There Is a Very Slim Chance of Minor Parties Forming Government and Wining the Federal Election and Here Is What Would Have To Happen

ANR Founder Says There Is a Very Slim Chance of Minor Parties Forming Government and Wining the Federal Election and Here Is What Would Have To Happen

By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says there is a very slim chance of minor parties forming Government, and winning the Federal election, and here is what would have to happen – and he asks the freedom movement to put their thinking caps on to try and do it.
