Jamie McIntyre

Global Issues

ANR Founder Says the Minor Parties Need To Take at Least 6–8 Seats off Labor To Stop Them Forming Government

ANR Founder Says the Minor Parties Need To Take at Least 6–8 Seats off Labor To Stop Them Forming Government

By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says The Minor Parties need to take at least 6-8 seats off Labor to stop them forming Government, or Liberals lose less then 11 seats they are polling to lose to avoid either major party winning the 76 seats out of 151 required to form Government in their one right. This would then require either Major Party to form a coalition with the minor parties, to form government. Also left wing media supports Labor, and the Right wing media supports Liberals. Independent Media supports the minor parties.

Billionaire, Clive Palmer, has made the mistake of spending almost all of $100 mil on left & right media and 0% on Independent Media. As a result, the Minor parties struggle in what just 10% of his $100mil budget could have made a big difference. Palmers $100 mil spent with MSM, is a cruel blow to independent media, minor parties and the freedom movement. Palmer has a lot to answer for; Where are Australia’s patriotic Billionaires?
Are they now all Globalist sellouts?


Global Issues

ANR Founder Says There Is a Very Slim Chance of Minor Parties Forming Government and Wining the Federal Election and Here Is What Would Have To Happen

ANR Founder Says There Is a Very Slim Chance of Minor Parties Forming Government and Wining the Federal Election and Here Is What Would Have To Happen

By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says there is a very slim chance of minor parties forming Government, and winning the Federal election, and here is what would have to happen – and he asks the freedom movement to put their thinking caps on to try and do it.


Global Issues

McIntyre Report Political Talk Show -124, ANR Founder Is Interviewed By Lisa Johnstone Re The Upcoming Federal Election, And Can The Freedom Movement Win. He Discusses That Australia May Need To Form A BreakAway Republic, To Defeat The Globalists Attempted Coup And Winning The Federal Election Isn’t The Real Key, But Taking The States Is, And How We Can. Part 2

McIntyre Report Political Talk Show 
Episode 124
ANR Founder Is Interviewed By Lisa Johnstone Re The Upcoming Federal Election, And Can The Freedom Movement Win. He Discusses That Australia May Need To Form A BreakAway Republic, To Defeat The Globalists Attempted Coup And Winning The Federal Election Isn’t The Real Key, But Taking The States Is, And How We Can. Part 2

Global Issues

ANR Founder Says There Is a Very Slim Chance of Minor Parties Forming Government, and Winning the Federal Election, and Here Is What Would Have To Happen

ANR Founder Says There Is a Very Slim Chance of Minor Parties Forming Government, and Winning the Federal Election, and Here Is What Would Have To Happen

By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says there is a very slim chance of minor parties forming Government, and winning the Federal election, and here is what would have to happen – and he asks the freedom movement to put their thinking caps on to try and do it.


State Of Affairs

ANR Founder Calls for the Arrest and Sentencing of Both Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, After the Detailed Evidence of Their Complicity, and Fraud in Both the AIDS Fraud and the C0VID Fraud

ANR Founder Calls for the Arrest and Sentencing of Both Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, After the Detailed Evidence of Their Complicity, and Fraud in Both the AIDS Fraud and the C0VID Fraud

By CNBS News

ANR Founder calls for the arrest and sentencing of both Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, after the detailed evidence of their complicity, and fraud in both the AIDS fraud (a $30 billion pa fraudulent drug quackzinne industry, and the Covid fraud, which is now over $100 billion pa industry, selling deadly and useless vaccines for a falsified pandemic, that Gates alone has profited by $20 billion. Both should be sentenced to death by way of  an injection of every aids drug & Covid  quackzinne’s. All fraudently falsified tests, to get approved & have murdered so many as a result. Gates pays off media organisations to cover up his death & injury toll. Gates is a threat to mankind & the sooner the world does something about him & those he takes orders from, the better. Gates or humanities future. We need to urgently decide. $1 million reward for the jailing and successful sentencing of Bill Gates. Those who take money or grants from Gates Foundations should have to hand back the funds or face criminal actions.

Gate’s wealth is largely from fraud i.e. crime and should be confiscated and used to compensate his millions of victims families. Not a single live has been saved by Gates corrupted dodgy useless vaccines, but millions are dead, and we haven’t seen anything yet www.anrnews.com.

Global Issues|War

ANR Founder Poses Questions for the Australian PM Scott Morrison That All Voters Should Ask Including, Isn’t It Reckless To Send Lethal Weapons to Ukraine for Them To Arm the Nazis To Continue Killing Innocent Ukrainians

ANR Founder Poses Questions for the Australian PM Scott Morrison That All Voters Should Ask Including, Isn’t It Reckless To Send Lethal Weapons to Ukraine for Them To Arm the Nazis To Continue Killing Innocent Ukrainians

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder poses questions for the Australian PM Scott Morrison that all voters should ask including, isn’t it reckless to send lethal weapons to Ukraine for them to arm the Nazis to continue killing innocent Ukrainians they have been attacking in Eastern Ukraine for 7 years and to aid a proxy war against a nuclear-powered Russia that has every right to defend Russian Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine and defend its borders from NATO’s aggressive threats. When 1 billion deaths are estimated from a nuclear conflict?

Where is the National Risk Assessment you surely did before rolling out the Covid vaccines ?

Do you continually spread misinformation about the vaccines and Ukraine as you rely on dumbed down voters that watch the idiot box to get any votes as educated voters refuse to vote for Coalition or Labor or Greens ?


Global Issues

McIntyre Report Political Talk Show -123, ANR Founder Is Interviewed By Lisa Johnstone Re The Upcoming Federal Election, And Can The Freedom Movement Win. He Discusses That Australia May Need To Form The BreakAway Republic, To Defeat The Globalists Attempted Coup And Winning The Federal Election Isn’t The Real Key, But Taking The States Is, And How We Can -Part 1

McIntyre Report Political Talk Show 
Episode 123
ANR Founder Is Interviewed By Lisa Johnstone Re The Upcoming Federal Election, And Can The Freedom Movement Win. He Discusses That Australia May Need To Form The BreakAway Republic, To Defeat The Globalists Attempted Coup And Winning The Federal Election Isn’t The Real Key, But Taking The States Is, And How We Can -Part 1

Global Issues

ANR Founder Says He Is Still Undecided Who He Will Vote for and Who He Will Endorse ANR’s 2 Million Readers Across Australia, Who They Should Vote for, but It’s Clear the Majors Should Be Put Last

ANR Founder Says He Is Still Undecided Who He Will Vote for and Who He Will Endorse ANR’s 2 Million Readers Across Australia, Who They Should Vote for, but It’s Clear the Majors Should Be Put Last

By Staff Reporter

ANR Founder says he is still undecided who he will vote for and who he will endorse ANR’s 2 million readers  across Australia, who they should vote for, but it’s clear the majors should be put last.

The ANR Founder, Jamie McIntyre, and Political Commentary host of the McIntyre Report, says he is yet to decide which party he will vote for, and endorse to vote for.

“Of course, putting the major parties last is important. However, many have asked should they vote for One Nation, or United Australia Party or another minor party”

He said he would like to interview both Craig Kelly and Pauline Hanson on his show, the McIntyre Report, before deciding who should receive such an endorsement.

He said he isn’t happy with Clive Palmer’s  stated support, that Australia needs independent media, for the Billionaire to spend all his money with the enemy in mainstream media filling their coffers as they back stab him, yet independent media is for more willing to allow a platform for such parties to highlight their plans.

He has said this will cost his party dearly, chasing the uneducated voters who still watch the idiot box.

When the freedom movement is 30% or more of the voting population and clearly some of the most active and educated about world events.

Yet in an ANR poll, United Australian Party polled only 14% of the vote, half of One Nation’s 29%.

This means the market United Australia Party could have owned, a growing market that detests the major parties, is looking less and less likely to vote for Palmers Party, as he chases the ignorant voters who watch Channel 9,and read SMH or the Age and, and take their boosters and stand with Nazi Ukraine because they are brainwashed to.

McIntyre, who launched a political party, 21st Century Australia back in 2013, & ran against Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce, knows all about the difficulty of smaller parties wanting to become a 3rd party threat, & the dirty tricks used against you, including Govt agencies targeting your business’s to tie you up in legal battles & the destruction of your assets to reduce political funding.

He said our system is inherently corrupt & the duopoly system of 2 party preferred, prevents a 3rd party winning enough lower house seats to form Government.

He said he would rather have a real conversation with Palmer, Hanson and Bob Katter, about plans for a breakaway Republic of Australia, being the top half of Australia, which may start with the idea of Nth QLD, forming its own state from as far down as Gympie & above (the famous Brisbane line at Gympie where during WW2 our Government was prepared to secretly surrender to the Japanese Army)
Nth QLD has often thought of ceding from Queensland, as has the New England in Northern NSW &also WA.
NZ decided to not become part of the Commonwealth of Australia and become its own independent nation.
He said a poll was run on ANR recently, with 76% support for a breakaway state or nation.

Winning the QLD Election is more achievable for the minor parties, and simply then breaking away as an independent nation with possibly NT and WA or the top half of WA joining the new Republic, and top half of NSW with Coffs Harbour upwards, or Nth Sydney Upwards.

Below is an article on Take Back Australia about the concept.

A breakaway nation would have a new political system, support human freedoms and civil liberties, cease any support of the WEF’s Great Reset, call for the arrest of Bill Gates, other Globalists behind the Covid fraud, and seek to jail Australian Politicians and Health bureaucrats who have caused the death of so many Australians from the deadly and unnecessary vaccine roll out. One that is seeing funeral parlour’s run off their feet burying Australians, dead after the vaccine that our lying Governments forced upon innocents, but is now desperately trying to cover up.
The old system is on its knees.

This may well be the last Federal Election of the Westminster System.
If voters don’t get a new non-major party at this Federal Election, then the calls for a breakaway state or break away Republic will grow louder, he said.

For More Information, visit:
https://takebackaustralia.org/will-australia-become-two-societies-a-parallel-society-and-possibly-even-a- breakaway-republic/

Global Issues

ANR Founder Discusses the Upcoming Federal Election and Why Not Voting for the Major Parties Is So Critical, Plus This Could in Fact Be the Last Federal Election Under the Failed Westminster System

ANR Founder Discusses the Upcoming Federal Election and Why Not Voting for the Major Parties Is So Critical, Plus This Could in Fact Be the Last Federal Election Under the Failed Westminster System

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder discusses the upcoming Federal Election and why not voting for the major parties is so critical, plus this could in fact be the last Federal Election under the failed Westminster System as the movement for breakaway states and a breakaway New Republic of Australia will grow after this Federal Election as many Australians will refuse to accept Morrison or Albanese as our leaders for being Triators to our nation.


Global Issues

ANR Founder Predicts Key Things That Are Planned by the Globalists and Calls Bill Gates a Criminal Fraudster That People Should Crowd Fund a Reward for Him and Fauci To Become the Worlds Most Wanted

ANR Founder Predicts Key Things That Are Planned by the Globalists and Calls Bill Gates a Criminal Fraudster That People Should Crowd Fund a Reward for Him and Fauci To Become the Worlds Most Wanted

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder predicts key things that are planned by the Globalists and calls Bill Gates a criminal fraudster that people should crowd fund a reward for him and Fauci to become the world’s most wanted.

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