Jamie McIntyre

adelaide-global-issue|darwin-global-issue|Global Issues|sunshine-coast-global-issue|tasmanian-global-issue

ANR Founder Says “ If The West Outlawed Its Oligarchs, And Nationalised Their Assets, Not Only Could We Have Real Democracy. But Solve World Hunger And Wars Would Cease To Exist, And An End To Most Human Suffering

ANR Founder Says “ If The West Outlawed Its Oligarchs, And Nationalised Their Assets, Not Only Could We Have Real Democracy. But Solve World Hunger And Wars Would Cease To Exist, And An End To Most Human Suffering

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

ANR Founder says “if the West outlawed its Oligarchs, and nationalised their assets, not only could we have real Democracy.But solve world hunger and wars would cease to exist, and an end to most human suffering.
Let the few humans, who are the root cause of almost all human suffering, start doing the suffering. They’ll own nothing and can pretend to be completely happy. Now that’s a Great Reset.


adelaide-state-of-affairs|Australian News|State Of Affairs|sunshine-coast-state-of-affairs|tasmanian-state-of-affairs|War

Is This What More Money Than Brains Causes, Asks ANR Founder? Woke Australian Billionaires Want To Go Broke Supporting Neo Nazi Ukranian Regime To Kill More Ukrainians

Is This What More Money Than Brains Causes, Asks ANR Founder? Woke Australian Billionaires Want To Go Broke Supporting Neo Nazi Ukranian Regime To Kill More Ukrainians

Australian software giant Atlassian will donate all future revenue generated from Russia to Ukrainian causes as it faces fresh pressure from activists to exit the country altogether.

After internal and external anger in March, Atlassian announced it was making humanitarian donations, stopping new sales to Russia in protest at President Vladimir Putin’s illegal war, and cutting off licenses to entities linked to the conflict.

But the $US56 billion firm, which makes workplace collaboration software, allowed ordinary Russian businesses to keep renewing existing subscriptions, arguing they were caught up in a war they could not stop.

Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia, Vasyl Myroshnychenko, will meet with Atlassian on Friday for a “better insight”. He praised its steps aiding Ukraine so far, but said the benchmark for all Australian companies was the graphic design software giant, Canva, which blocked Russia entirely last month.

“I understand the pain of losing the Russian market, but we’re losing people,” Myroshnychenko told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Atlassian’s refusal to exit Russia entirely triggered a protest outside an Atlassian office in central Sydney on Tuesday by a collective of Ukrainian-Australian activists.

One activist, who asked only to be known as Anton V for fear of monitoring by the Russian embassy, said: “Companies like Atlassian, while they operate in Russia, enable [the war’s] continuation.”

He said Atlassian products let Russians work and pay taxes, which supports the war, and that a draconian new law that has been initially approved by Russia’s parliament will let the state force seemingly innocuous businesses with Atlassian licenses to support the invasion.

An Atlassian spokeswoman said the company condemned the Russian government’s actions in March and had since taken several extra steps to support Ukraine that predated the activist pressure.

“At the direct request of the Ukrainian government, we have donated licenses of Atlassian software to aid their humanitarian and relief efforts,” the spokeswoman said. “Atlassian will also donate the equivalent of all forward revenue from customers in Russia and Belarus, starting with an initial donation of $US5 million to causes that provide direct support to the people of Ukraine.”

The company has also given free licenses of its products, which include project management tool JIRA, to the Ukrainian government

Atlassian’s spokeswoman defended the company’s stance on Russia.

“We continue our commitment to our existing non-sanctioned and approved non-governmental customers in Russia, as we recognise that many of them are caught up in a war that they neither chose nor have the ability to stop,” she said. “We continue to prohibit all new sales. We also remain faithful to serving civil and human rights organisations that are working at great risk within Russia and the surrounding regions.”

Atlassian is ranked as a B on a list of companies’ response to the war maintained by the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute, a non-profit affiliated with America’s prestigious Yale University. The grade means it is a company “temporarily curtailing most or nearly all operations while keeping return options open.”

Atlassian’s co-chief executives, Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar, were sanctioned by Russia for their pro-Ukraine stance in June, along with more than 100 other Australians.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has ground on since February, devastating much of the east of the country and sparking accusations of war crimes as the Kremlin’s forces try to overcome dogged resistance from its smaller neighbour.

Resources: https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/techandscience/atlassian-to-donate-russian-revenue-as-ukrainian-protestors-demand-full-boycott/ar-AAZtwtJ?ocid=msedgntphdr

Australian News|darwin-global-issue|Global Issues|perth-global-issue|tasmanian-global-issue|War

ANR Founder Says He Agrees Australia Should Treat China as a Partner and not be Manipulated by a 3rd Party to Treat it as an Enemy. Anyone Pushing for War Not Peace is the Enemy

ANR Founder Says He Agrees Australia Should Treat China as a Partner and not be Manipulated by a 3rd Party to Treat it as an Enemy. Anyone Pushing for War Not Peace is the Enemy

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi has issued Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong with a four-point list of actions Australia must take to get the relationship “back on the right track”.

China issues demands to get relationship with Australia ‘back on track’

China issues demands to get relationship with Australia ‘back on track’

Mr Yi told Ms Wong Australia must treat China as a partner rather than a rival and seek common ground while shelving differences.

He added Australia must reject manipulation by a third party – and both countries need to build “public support featuring positiveness and pragmatism”.

Global Issues|nth-qld-global-issue|tasmanian-global-issue

ANR Founder Asks the Question. Should Australia Join the Future in the BRICS and Move Away From the Imploding Western Oligarchy and Help Prevent WWW3

ANR Founder Asks the Question. Should Australia Join the Future in the BRICS and Move Away From the Imploding Western Oligarchy and Help Prevent WWW3

By Jamie McIntyre


ANR Founder asks the question. Should Australia join the future in the BRICS and move away from the imploding Western Oligarchy and help prevent WWW3 by becoming a neutral country, no longer a Washington Lapdog reliant on Joe Biden to save us ?


adelaide-global-issue|canberra-global-issue|Global Issues

ANR Founder Discusses His Future Predictions of the Current Global Issues Including the Australian Economy and Property Markets

ANR Founder Discusses His Future Predictions of the Current Global Issues Including the Australian Economy and Property Markets

By Jamie McIntyre


ANR Founder discusses his future predictions of the current Global issues including the Australian economy and property markets


Global Issues|War

ANR Founder Responds To Misunderstandings Over The Ukraine Russian Dispute

ANR Founder Responds To Misunderstandings Over The Ukraine Russian Dispute

By Australian Morning Herald

I hear what you are saying, and I know most Ukrainians do not support the neo-Nazi’s, and many western Ukrainians don’t like Russians.

But it stands that there are neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine, armed by the West and have been killing Eastern Ukrainians
As it stands, the US State Department did do a coup in 2014 in Ukraine.

Eastern Ukraine deserve their autonomy and right to protection, which was to occur under the Minsk agreement, but the West once again didn’t honour it.
Russia has no interest in Western Ukraine or occupying lands that people are hostile to Russia
It has an interest in protecting its borders, de nazifying Ukraine and de militarising it and protecting Eastern Ukrainians in need of protection.

People should be free to speak whatever language they choose.
Is Putin demanding Eastern Ukrainians only speak Russian and anyone loyal to Kiev is locked up or killed ?

Clearly not, but can the same be said of Zelensky?

And it stands Australia is sending military aid, like the West and NATO are and arming Nazis and Ukrainian Nationalists. And innocent Ukrainians are being killed and have been for 8 years by the Ukrainian Regime, not by Russia.

Russia doesn’t want war. But appeasement for 8 years has failed.
But the West and NATO do want war and will not care if they have every Ukrainian killed in an unwinnable and unnecessary war.

I do get it and that’s why Russia tried to have Eastern Ukraine remain a part of Ukraine but given some autonomy and protection and not the genocide of Eastern Ukrainians by neo-Nazis.

That’s what the Minsk agreements were for but no Kiev wouldn’t leave that be but planned a full on invasion of Donbass in March forcing Russia to step in and offer protection to Donbass and Donetsk regions which wish to be protected by Russia

Russia has said any land from the operation to de militarise Ukrainian security threats to Russia it will be up to the people to decide if they wish to be independent states or remain in Ukraine

That’s something called democracy

Actually voting

But on the west won’t allow that and continue to push Nato against Russian borders to pose a real security threat unlike the imagined security threat NATO uses to scare and blackmail Eastern Europe

The land in Eastern Ukraine and resources will rightfully remain the resources of the Independent regions of Donetsk and Donbass.

And provide a needed buffer area between Russia and NATO pushing Ukraine.

Ukraine by being misled by the West and NATO and fighting an unnecessary war and not wanting peace risks its entire country for what.
To allow Neo Nazis to run wild, genociding Eastern Ukrainians ?

Kiev has had the chance for 8 years to allow Eastern Ukraine to be in peace and remain a part of Ukraine. Russia worked for 8 years with the Minsk Agreements to achieve this to no avail. Appeasing the neo-Nazis and Kiev warmongers failed.
But as the west controls the Kiev puppet regime, that was never going to be allowed as evidenced by ex Ukrainian President Poroshenka, who admitted recently they simply used the 8 years since 2014 to simply buy time to build up an army to take over the entire Donetsk and Donbass and push against Russian borders. They never intended to be honest and honour the Minsk Agreements to avoid war.

So it’s these actions is why Eastern Ukraine will no longer be a part of Ukraine, but they’ll now break away and be an independent protectorate of Russia like Crimea

And Russian doesn’t want Western Ukraine. That’s simply western propaganda.

They have no interest in occupying land that is hostile to Russia, no slaughtering of innocents has been occurring like in Eastern Ukraine, and a buffer exists. As, the special operation isn’t about a land grab or security threat by Russia to Western Ukraine or Eastern Europe. It’s about what Putin transparently stated, not the Western propaganda that’s brainwashed half the world and half of Ukrainians, who will likely lose their nation if they don’t wake up.
Western Ukraine Poland is waiting to take as part of a deal the West will likely offer it or already has, according to some sources.


adelaide-global-issue|darwin-global-issue|Global Issues|sunshine-coast-global-issue|tasmanian-global-issue

ANR Founder Says,” Calls For A 5th Booster, Not Just A 4th One, Are Absurd And Deadly

ANR Founder Says,” Calls For A 5th Booster, Not Just A 4th One, Are Absurd And Deadly

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

Click Here To Play Video

ANR Founder says,” calls for a 5th booster, not just a 4th one, are absurd and deadly.
If anyone can’t tell Covid is a scam, now that they are calling for a 5th vaccine shot, and doesn’t get that it’s the vaccines making so many sick not Covid, should perhaps seek mental health treatment for a sheer lack of intelligence.

They have been well and truly duped and brainwashed.

Very few will survive a 3rd booster, let alone a 4th and a 5th booster. You might as well jump off a cliff, and commit suicide, as it will be a less painful death.
Stupidity is deadly.

Comply with these lies and you will die. It’s a pretty simple choice.

One excess Australian drops dead every 15 mins based on Jan 2022 excess mortality rate of 2865 extra deaths, a 22.1% jump. The only thing that could have caused this was the Covid vaccines,” he went on to say.

State Of Affairs

ANR Founder Says, “NATO Pushed by the Rich Elite Billionaire Families That Control the West Prepare to Start WW3 with Russia

ANR Founder Says, “NATO Pushed by the Rich Elite Billionaire Families That Control the West Prepare to Start WW3 with Russia

ANR Founder says, “NATO pushed by the rich elite billionaire families that control the West prepare to start WW3 with Russia

They’ll provoke China re Taiwan soon, too.

Westerners must wake up now to the Empire of lies, the Western Oligarchy, or risk being conscripted and sent to fight a war alongside the Ukrainian Nazis Russia is fighting.”

NATO to put 300,000 troops on high alert in response to Russia threat

Alliance’s leader says this week’s summit will agree its most significant transformation in a generation

Nato’s secretary general has said this week’s Madrid summit will agree the alliance’s most significant transformation for a generation, putting 300,000 troops at high readiness in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Jens Stoltenberg said the military alliance’s forces in the Baltic states and five other frontline countries would be increased “up to brigade levels” – doubled or trebled to between 3,000 and 5,000 troops.

That would amount to “the biggest overhaul of our collective defence and deterrence since the cold war,” Stoltenberg said before the meeting of the 30-country alliance, which runs from Tuesday to Thursday this week.

The rapid-reaction Nato Response Force currently numbers up to 40,000, and the proposed change amounts to a broad revision in response to Russian militarisation. Under the plans, Nato will also move stocks of munitions and other supplies farther east, a transition due to be completed in 2023.

The Norwegian secretary general conceded he could not make any promises about the progress of applications by Sweden and Finland to join Nato, because objections raised by Turkey to their membership remained unresolved.

Stoltenberg said Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, had agreed to meet the Swedish prime minister, Magdalena Andersson, and Finland’s president, Sauli Niinistö, on Tuesday in Madrid to try to resolve the issue.

But he played down hopes of a breakthrough at the meeting on the margins of the Nato event. “It’s too early to say what kind of progress you can make by the summit,” he told a press conference.

Turkey has said it will block the applications of Sweden and Finland unless it receives satisfactory assurances that the Nordic countries are willing to address what it regards as support for Kurdish groups it designates as terrorist organisations.

Later on Monday, Andersson said still she hoped a last-minute deal could be reached, after a day of contacts between officials of the three countries in Brussels.

“My strong hope is that this dialogue can be successfully concluded in the near future, ideally before the summit,” Andersson said, emphasising that Sweden “condemns terrorism in all its forms” and that the insurgent Kurdish Workers’ party (PKK) was recognised as a terror group in Sweden.

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, will address the summit on Wednesday morning, where he is expected to follow on from a plea made on Monday at the G7 meeting in Germany for western countries to provide arms so the war does not “drag on over winter”.

Stoltenberg said Nato would agree “a strengthened, comprehensive assistance package” for Kyiv, including immediate help to “secure communications, anti-drone systems and fuel” and longer-term assistance in transitioning from Soviet standard arms and equipment to their western equivalents.

But while the state of the war is likely to dominate the summit, Nato itself will only offer non-lethal aid because its members do not want the alliance to enter into fully fledged war with Russia. Arms supplies are instead made by member states.

Nato maintains eight battle groups across eastern Europe, aimed at acting as an initial frontline defence in the event of a Russian invasion. Four are in the Baltic states and Poland, and these were supplemented by the creation of four more in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia after the attack on Ukraine.

Germany said this month it would contribute a brigade of troops to defend Lithuania, where the country leads a 1,000-member battle group, although it emerged that the bulk of the extra 3,500 Berlin intends to contribute would be based on its own soil, ready to move farther east if needed.

Stoltenberg said he expected other Nato members to make similar announcements to defend the countries for which they are responsible. Extra troop numbers would be made up by “pre-assigned forces in their home country” who would regularly exercise in the countries to which they had been linked, he added.

Britain contributes about 1,700 troops to a multinational battle group it leads in Estonia. The defence secretary, Ben Wallace, said nearly a fortnight ago that it was highly likely the UK would assign hundreds more troops in support of Estonia.

But Stoltenberg said there would not be a one-size-fits-all model, suggesting that not every battle group would be increased to the size of a full brigade. Canada leads the battle group in Latvia, where it contributes 700 troops, while the US is responsible for Poland.

Nato released figures showing that defence spending among its 30 members was expected to increase by 1.2% in real terms in 2022, the slowest growth rate in eight successive years of growth.

Nine countries are projected to exceed the 2% of GDP target, led by Greece on 3.76% and the US on 3.47% with Britain sixth on 2.12%, down marginally on the two previous years. France spends 1.9% and Germany 1.44%.


Australian News|COVID 19 deaths and injuries

Some Australians Still Aren’t Dead After 3 Vaxxines So a 4th Dose to Finish of Remaining Aussies Is On Its Way, Says ANR Founder

Some Australians Still Aren’t Dead After 3 Vaxxines So a 4th Dose to Finish of Remaining Aussies Is On Its Way, Says ANR Founder

By Staff Reporter

Some Australians still aren’t dead after 3 vaccines so a 4th dose to finish of remaining Aussies is on its way, says ANR Founder.

This is after another orgy of sales for the booming vaccine industry of billions in vaccine sales for yet another vaccine

2 vaccines has been enough to kill thousands of Australians already (2865 excess dead Australians above average in Jan alone this year, a massive 22.1% spike, which is about one every 15 minutes)
But this isn’t enough to stop the drug spruikers and their vaccine bonus’s flowing inside our Cabinet and Health Ministeries.

We must depopulate Australia and the planet the Government insists, thus a 4th dose should sadly see many Australians to remember last Christmas as they are unlikely to ever see another Xmas.

But never fear. The fake news outlets who are paid to push deadly vaccines on innocents and babies now, and then paid to cover up deaths and injuries, will say such deaths are rare (not simply rarely reported).

Who would have ever thought Australians would so cheerfully and happily commit suicide and line up for a 4th, but there is bound to be some Joe Biden supporters and idiot box watchers who no doubt will.

At least house prices won’t rise again, the ANR Founder sarcastically stated.

Vaccine companies make More than seven million people will be able to get a fourth dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, after Australia’s leading immunisation body updated its advice.
From July 11, people over 50 will be recommended to receive a fourth vaccine dose, or second booster shot.
Those between 30 and 49-years-old will from Monday be able to have a fourth dose if they choose to do so.
The decision from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation comes amid rising numbers of virus cases across the country, fuelled by more transmissible strains of the Omicron variant.

Previously only those over 65, in aged or disability care, or immunocompromised were able to get a fourth dose.
ATAGI said the timing between vaccine doses or prior infection, whichever came first, would also be reduced from four months to three months.
The vaccine group did not extend eligibility for the fourth dose to those under 30 due to it not being known whether the benefits outweighed the risks among the population group.
Health Minister Mark Butler said 7.4 million people would be able to get their fourth dose from Monday.
As of Thursday, 60 per cent of people over 65 have had a fourth COVID-19 vaccine.
The vaccine body also said it was concerned to take-up of booster doses had not been high enough.

brisbane-global-issue|darwin-global-issue|Global Issues|perth-global-issue

ANR Founder Says Even in These Challenging Times Many Good Things Are Happening And We Must Be Grateful For Them As We Continue To Expose The Globalists Coup And The Western Oligarchs Who Have Destroyed Any Resemblance of Democracy From Pure Greed, And Ignorance

ANR Founder Says Even in These Challenging Times Many Good Things Are Happening And We Must Be Grateful For Them As We Continue To Expose The Globalists Coup And The Western Oligarchs Who Have Destroyed Any Resemblance of Democracy From Pure Greed, And Ignorance

Telegram Post By Jamie McIntyre

Click Here To Play Video

ANR Founder says even in these challenging times many good things are happening and we must be grateful for them as we continue to expose the Globalists Coup and the Western Oligarchs who have destroyed any resemblance of democracy from pure greed, and ignorance.

And also we must try and save as many of the vaccinated as we can by exposing the truth in medicine and educate them about the urgent need to do a vax detox.
